Chilli con Carne!
Tasty looking Chilli that looks like ours but is from a random website |
When you meet someone and they say "Oh yes I'm a great cook" be suspicious. A lot of people believe that they can cook even though they have never tried to. By slender association to them is a tiny percentage that have actually tried to cook but only one thing. When this group says "Oh yes I can cook", what they mean is 'Chilli'. That's it. Can't cook rice, or make Guacamole (probably don't know what it is anyway - isn't it near Antigua?). This lot normally serve their Chilli in a dish, like soup, with French Bread as party food.
Set yourself aside from them. Follow the same simple rules that you do for any other successful and tasty dinner. Think what makes a good meal and with a bit of planning you'll be genuinely Mexican.
Chilli con carne only needs simple spicing. It's not complicated at all. It really only needs ground Cumin. Some paprika optionally adds depth and colour.
Of course this is a chilli so it should have a bit of chilli heat. Strangely I don't think it's that essential but if you want a bit of heat then try a level teaspoon of chilli powder or two chopped bird eye chillies with their seeds carefully removed. Smoked habanero chillies will add proper awesomeness if you can ever find the pesky things to buy. Thankfully they're sold dried so they last for ages if you do find some.
1 x 400g pack of beef mince.
1 x Large cooking onion.
1 x Carrot finely chopped. Very small dice is best here.
1 x Large can red kidney beans drained and rinsed. DO NOT ADD the slimy liquid they come in. (Chickpeas is more authentic but not so good for colour. Chickpeas are called 'Garbanzo' beans in Mexico. I like this. Garbanzo reminds me of Gonzo in the Muppet Show).
1 x Large tablespoon of tomato puree.
2 x Fresh green bird eye chillies. Deseeded and chopped.
2 x Level dessert spoonsful of ground Cumin.
2 x Level dessert spoonsful of ground Paprika (smoked paprika is nice but not every time).
1 x Stock cube or blob. Beef, Chicken or Vegetable.
Finely chop the onion. Then in a large saucepan colour it lightly in some oil over medium heat. Add the mince and stir as it cooks until all browned. Add the diced carrot, cumin, paprika, chilli and stock cube/blob. Now add enough hot water to barely cover the mixture. You don't want it to be all runny but you do want enough liquid so it can evaporate a bit. Add the tomato puree and stir well to incorporate it all with the spices and stock.
Add the beans and bring back to a boil before reducing to a very slow simmer for 25 minutes. Stir occasionally to check progress and to stop from catching on the bottom.
Now you have to make the Guacamole.
1 or 2 Nice ripe Avocados
Half a red onion chopped finely or a bunch of spring onions washed and chopped with the green part included. A mix of both spring and red onion works well here.
A large tomato deseeded and nicely chopped
1 x Large handful of fresh coriander washed and chopped.
Olive oil
Vinegar and/or the juice of a lemon or lime
Salt and black pepper
Hopefully you'll have found some nice ripe but not squashy Avocados. Scoop or peel and chop the Avocados into a dish to which you've already added the juice of a lemon or some vinegar. The idea is that the acidity easily keeps the avocado nice and green. You're going to add lemon and/or vinegar later anyway so this makes sense here.
Finely chop some deseeded tomatoes and half an onion. Mix it all in with the Avocado and the chopped fresh coriander. Taste it. Season with salt and pepper and add plenty of olive oil, lemon/lime and vinegar to adjust the acidity.
When you've finished you should have something between a thick colourful paste and a Salsa. Chuck a bit more olive oil over and some coriander leaves. Guacamole benefits from at least ten minutes rest so cover it with cling film and leave in the fridge until needed.
So that's it really.
To serve it all up you can decide if you are going to have rice and/or Nachos which are brilliant to make it go further and to fill you up. Guacamole is so tasty it defies description. Cold soured cream is another top family favourite.
If you feel like being different you can warm some tortilla wraps on a hot dry pan and make your own burritos.
Or fill a big ovenproof dish (baking tray - student version) with nachos. Sprinkle heated chilli con carne over. Intermingle with at least a ton of grated cheese and grill under a mediumish grill until the cheese is melted over nicely. Add Guacamole and soured cream. Now set a timer and see if you can make it last more than two minutes.
This is Proper Party Food.
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